Dr. Akbar Soltani is an assistant professor of endocrinology and internal medicine in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and founder of Evidence Based Medicine Working Team (EBMWT) at the Shariati hospital. His main academic interests are dissemination and culturalization for evidence based medicine among medical students and practitioners and ultimately to generalize this concept among Iranian population.
This web site is dedicated to his students, and every body who is interested in his work, or the PowerPoint Slideshows he has produced and used in his Evidence Based Medicine workshops and classes.

Evidence-Based Culture and our Nation's Future
The future now belongs to the societies which organize themselves for learning. Developing nations should develop policies that emphasize on critical thinking and creative problem solving for all the members, and we name this process as evidence based culture.... more...

Akbar Soltani, M.D.
Assistant Professor in Endocrinology and Internal Medicine
Endocrinology & Metabolism Research Center,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Shariati hospital, North Kargar Ave,
Tehran 14114, Iran
Fax: +98 21 802 93 99